Sunday, November 4, 2012

Three Years Old

Isabelle Jane turned 3 today! Three years ago today, our princess changed our lives forever. Our little girl is darling, fun and exciting, but everyday is a challenge with this spunky little girl. There is no one that our little girl cannot charm. She walks into every situation with a positive mindset and loves to be a part of everything. This little girl was excited to go to the dentist and loved the attention (& television on the ceiling). She is great at compromising and always tries to work with us for a better understanding. Isabelle loves to learn new things from everyone (excluding her mother). This little girl fills our hearts with so much love! We cannot get enough of her fun, flirty comments and her vivatious spunky attitude.
On a funny three year old note, Isabelle repeats everything including mommy's lovely "FINE" and eye rolling abilities. She is definately mommy's child on an attitude level and has taken on a number of my habits. Recently, Isabelle has learned that she can say "No" when she is asked to do something. The first few caught me by surprise, because Isabelle is generally very helpful but she has recently developed quite an independent comes Three!
Three is going to be so much fun and I cannot wait to watch Isabelle begin to learn the alphabet, make new friends, and get involved in Gymnastics! Next year, we have decided that Isabelle is more than ready for preschool. Isabelle & Mommy are both looking forward to preschool. We cannot believe our little girl is growing up so quickly! Thank you Isabelle for all of the Joy, Love, Excitement & Fun you bring to our lives! Dress up and Dancing around the living room is the best with you Princess Isabelle!
Love, Mommy & Daddy

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