Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Introducing Adelaide Janette

On October 14th, 2011, God blessed our family with a new beautiful baby girl! Everything went well and 7 pounds 11 ounces of new beauty came into our lives! We are now a proud, happy, loving family of four!!! We could not be more pleased (and surprised...we both thought it was a boy)!
Isabelle is adjusting and loves to check in on "Baby Sisser" constantly. She is definitely a little rough and a little jealous, but we're learning. Adelaide is fitting in as perfect second child and we cannot wait for what is to come. We all feel so very blessed to have another beautiful baby girl in our lives!!!

Love, Andrew & Kathryn

PS - Sadly most of our photographs were taken with our cell phones. Our poor second more to be added shortly.

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